Happy New Year!
I just like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2008! May you all be blessed with good fortune, happiness and well-being.
Opportunities, resources, articles, tools and ideas needed to start your own home business. Top tips and advise for the career oriented entrepreneur working from home and the like minded individual.
I just like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2008! May you all be blessed with good fortune, happiness and well-being.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
3:36 PM
“Lifestyle Shrinkage” is a very real problem and it is going to get much worse in the coming years. What causes Lifestyle Shrinkage? A number of factors contribute to this growing epidemic, including:
• Rising Energy/Food Costs
• Stagnant Wage Growth
• Outsourcing
• Job Flight
• Globalization
• Rising Healthcare/Health Insurance Expenses
• High Debt on Personal, Business, and Government Levels
All of the problems listed above are conspiring to lower your purchasing power and ultimately diminish your standard of living. The symptoms of Lifestyle Shrinkage do not all appear at the same time and may include any or all of the following:
Insomnia: As debt begins to grow because our wage growth is not keeping pace with the cost of living, we start having problems sleeping through the night.
Endless Cycle of ‘Tightening Belt’: One of the most natural responses to Lifestyle Shrinkage is cutting back on purchases of so-called “luxury items”. Next, we will start buying cheaper cuts of meat at the grocery store, cutting coupons, scaling back on leisure activities and potentially even a reduction or end to health insurance coverage.
Depression: As we start to lose hope that we can ever escape our growing debt, depression begins to set in. Antidepressants are the number one prescribed drugs in the world with millions of prescriptions filled each and every month…
Clinging to “Bad Jobs”: We would all love to just “fire our boss” or quit that terrible job—but we can’t, can we? Even a terrible job working for an evil boss for $35,000 a year is better than taking a job at the local grocery store bagging groceries for $10 an hour! That's why we continue to tolerate crap like: reduced health insurance benefits or rising costs; a 1, 2, or 3% annual raise when we know it doesn't even keep pace with inflation; long commutes; and abusive bosses.
I'm not some Nobel Prize winning economist and I certainly don't have an MBA—but does anyone else think this globalization and free trade crap aren’t working? Between skyrocketing gas prices and rising interest rates—it is hard enough for two people to raise a family—so how on earth can a single parent hope to keep up?? I don’t care whether you call it Lifestyle Shrinkage or just plain scary—but something is going on out there and our world is changing before our very eyes!!
To read more: Home Based Business Opportunity. Earn Huge Income At Home Online!
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:10 PM
Labels: home based business opportunity, huge income at home online
Last week, I told you that Derek Gehl was offering slightly damaged of his best-selling course "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" for just $97...
... That's $100 off the regular price!
Well, get this:
Derek sold out of all his slightly damaged copies in just a couple of days (no surprise, since they were going so cheap!)
But because SO many people mailed him to claim their discount copy AFTER all the damaged copies were all sold out, Derek decided to do something crazy (just because it's Christmas)...
... He decided to release a few hundred NEW copies of his course and sell them at the same heavily discounted price the slightly damaged copies were going for!
That means you can get a BRAND SPANKING NEW copy of the 'Net's best-selling Internet marketing course for only $97!
BUT: Derek is going to END this offer on December 20th, 2007!
So if you want to take advantage of his holiday generosity, I suggest you claim your copy immediately at:
The chance to get something so VALUABLE -- at such a massive discount! -- doesn't come around very often, so don't let this opportunity pass you by.
All the best, Tammy
P.S. By the way, Derek is also going to throw in $1,000's worth of free bonuses and "extra resources" that he doesn't normally give away with this course.
Why? Because he wants to make sure you have everything you need to apply the SAME strategies his other students are using to make $100,000 to $2.5 million per year with THEIR Internet businesses.
You can read their personal stories at:
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
8:49 PM
Labels: Internet businesses
I just got an email from Derek Gehl I had to tell you about.
Get this...
Apparently, a whole stack of boxes containing his "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" courses fell over, and almost landed on one of his employees!
(I can see the headlines now: "Internet marketing guru turns warehouse employee into human pancake.")
Keep in mind that just one of Derek's courses contains 850+ pages, plus DVDs, CDs, booklets, and tons more... So having one of them landing on your head would NOT be pleasant!
Anyway, Derek told me his employee was ok... but his courses weren't so lucky. Apparently most of them were slightly*damaged* from the tumble.
A few scratches here and there, the odd dent, maybe a bent page. Bummer!
But Derek is famous for being a perfectionist, and he thinks those copies of his step-by-step "Insider Secrets"course are not quite pristine enough to sell at the regular price.
... So he's going to give them away at a HUGE discount!
Just in case you haven't heard of "Insider Secrets" before, here's what you need to know:
This Internet marketing "bible" has been the best-selling guide to how to grow your own money-making Internet business from scratch for more than 10 years running for one reason --the strategies inside WORK! -- and it's been updated with brand new strategies for 2007.
So if you're willing to overlook the odd scratch on the cover or the occasional dog-eared page, this is your chance to get your hands on the exact same information that 1,000s of regular folks have already used to generate full-time incomes of $50,000... $100,000... even $250,000 (and more!) per year on the Internet from the comfort of their own homes...
... And you can get the blueprint they followed for a small fraction on the regular price they paid!
There's just one catch: Derek only has 267 'damaged'copies up for grabs, so don't delay.
*This offer is strictly first come, first served basis.*
To your success,
Derek Gehl
The Internet Marketing Center
P.S. If you've been dreaming about starting your ownsuccessful Internet business, but lack of cash has beenholding you back, this is your perfect opportunity to get your hands on ALL the tools you need to start your own highly profitable Internet business and earn a life-changing income...
... WITHOUT a big upfront investment!
So hurry, before those 267 copies are gone!
Go to: http://www.marketingtips.com/hugediscount/t/894117
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:06 PM
Labels: The Internet Marketing Center
There isn’t a simpler way to get visitors than submitting articles to article directories. Submitting an article to an article directory is the most simple and effective way to gain quality traffic to your website. Many Search Gurus have considered Article Marketing to be the most effective method of gaining traffic to websites.
The process of submitting articles to an article directory is also very simple. All you need to do is write an informative article and submit the same to the Article Directory. Make sure the article is small and effective. It makes no sense to write a thousand word article and put the readers to sleep. Keep the article small, informative and simple. Your article should convey the effectiveness of your website in the best possible way so much so that it will grab the readers attention, without getting too bored.
How can my website get visitors by writing articles?
To have visitors you need to promote your website link. Every article directory allows its authors to promote their website link in the resource section of the Article Directory. Resource box is the place where you can speak about yourself, your website and your product. Keep the resource box simple as you can. If your article is informative enough then get ready for a click on your website link through the resource box of the Article directory.
Do I need to submit my article to just one Article Directory?
If your looking for good traffic and visitors to your website you have to make sure you submit your website to many Article Directories. Just submitting your article to one Article Directory will not help. You have to exhibit your website link to visitors so as to encourage them to visit your website and finally buy your product. You can get best results by writing multiple articles and submitting the same to multiple Article Directories.
By submitting multiple articles to different Article directories you are actually marketing your website in the best possible way. My advice to you would be to take the initiative of submitting at least one article to a group of article directories everyday. I understand it can be a bit boring to submit articles to different article directories. If you do not have the time you can hire the services of professional Link builders who can not just help you in writing quality article but also submit the same to thousands of Article Directories on the Internet.
The effectiveness of Article Marketing is increasing everyday. Many people have started to realize the importance of submitting articles to article directories. If you’re new to the concept of Article Directory, I hope this article must have provided you with a basic idea about the subject.
So if you’re worried as to why you have not been generating sales of your product. It’s high time that you start building links to your website through Article Marketing. To keep it simple you are not just getting back links to your website but most importantly getting quality traffic.
Article by:
Isabel Paul is the owner of a professional Article Directory. She also provides useful Article Submissions Services.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
6:56 PM
Labels: article directories, article marketing, website traffic
Click fraud involves the process of intentionally clicking ads listed on your website for the purpose of earning money rather than intending to view the products of the advertiser. Adsense involves placing ads on your website for other businesses. The way your website makes money is determined by the number of clicks to the advertiser’s link. Most websites who participate in Adsense are honest. However, the issue of click fraud is happening more often on the internet as the owner’s of some websites have found it an enticing method of generating more money from the advertisers.
With the onset of click fraud, software has been designed to analyze data based on the traffic to a website. This information is used to determine the possibility of click fraud. If you advertise this way you should invest in click fraud software or you may pay more for advertising than you should be. This software costs from $99 to $299, so it is very cost effective. It is believed as much as 20% of the cost advertisers are paying out each month is due to click fraud. With 3.2 million dollars generated each year for this type of advertising, 20% is a very high dollar amount to be losing!
A common method of click fraud involves an online robot that clicks away at the advertisements listed on a particular website. This is the quickest method. Others either do it themselves, clicking away at the ads on their own website or they hirer others to perform the task for them at a price much less than what they receive in return from the advertisers. Sometimes click fraud is done not to make money but to sabotage competitors. This is done by finding websites that advertise for them and continually click the ads. This will then cost that competitor a great deal of money they have to pay out for advertising without any hopes of generating additional sales from that cost.
Those who participate in the act of click fraud should be very careful. There are strict guidelines in place by Google to protect the reputation of their Adsense operations. Anyone caught participating in click fraud will be banned from further advertisements on their website. Google has invested 2.7 million for their Fraud Squad. They feel this investment is worthwhile though as click fraud is a serious issue. It has the potential of destroying the entire advertising industry online as we know it.
There are legal issues involved as well. A California man was charged with obtaining more than $150,000 due to click fraud in 2004. He has been indited by a Grand Jury. However, there are no state or federal laws yet against click fraud. This particular man was only indited in his scam because he came clean about it with Google in a blackmail scheme. He was going to sell his secret of how he did it to Google for another $150,000. If they didn’t give it to him he threatened to keep on doing it. If we can get state and federal laws to see click fraud as a classification of fraud with the possibility of a felony charge and jail time it may deter the amount of click fraud that takes place.
Click fraud is a huge issue that plagues the success of Adsense. If you participate in Adsense then be warned on both sides of the field. As a provider of such advertising don’t be tempted to click on the ads yourself or with an automated system. The risk of getting caught is very high as are the financial and legal repercussions. As an advertiser pay close attention to high changes in advertising costs through Adsense. Take the time to question these increases. Is it click fraud or great increases in traffic? Have sales increased? It is a great idea to invest in click fraud software as well to protect your business as well as your advertising budget.
Terry Detty, 42 years old, finds internet marketing his passion. In addition to marketing he enjoys reading, and occasionally goes out for a short walk.
Press release services are an effective website promotion tool.
Opt-in email marketing software.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
6:55 PM
Most business owners do not explore new marketing strategies until they experience a sharp decline in their revenue. Avertising campaigns are not evergreen. They evolve and grow, improve and degenerate. Most work at home, or small business owners shell out a substantial amount of money for a good ad campaign and then let it run dry.
The first strategy for success is found in the way you view the advertising campaign’s purpose. A good advertising campaign needs to do three things. First, it needs to collect data on the market. Who is buying. What is hot, and what is not.
Second, it needs to collect vital information about the people who make a purchase from your website. This can be compiled into a profile that helps you determine how to best reach your target market. It is a market research tool that helps determine what types of advertising works, at what times of the year.
Third, it should ‘brand’ your name and logo. A successful advertising campaign will imprint the company name and logo onto people’s subconscious. This increase their ‘decision to buy’ response when they visit the website.
For example, online shopping increases dramatically just before Christmas, but only if the payment gateway is fast and easy to use. However, if the user must leave the website to use the payment gateway, like paypal.com uses, then the statistics do not change. However, the payment gateway does not effect sales in the summer.
You’ll notice that no aspect of an advertising campaign is to sell the product – that is your website’s job. A successful marketing campaign manager never measure’s an advertising campaign’s success based on sales.
Large corporations will tell you that a successful advertising campaign may run for months before the results appear on the income statement.
The advertising campaign should be reviewed often, and compared to new methods, in the hunt for new ‘hot markets.’ However, hot markets burn out very quickly. The whirlwind of change that continuously sweeps through the marketplace is a powerful balancer. It gives small businesses an edge over the elephants that move slow and react to change in months, not weeks.
This is true, but there needs to be balance. Always keep 80% of the marketing budget in the tried and true marketing methods – even if they do not offer the big rewards. The other 20% of the marketing budget is free for exploration of new advertising mediums. Don’t discount anything. Look at the fortunes made when youtube.com and myspace.com skyrocketed to fame. For a few months, advertisers were raking in millions.
It is also important to keep a finger on the pulse of the population. There is a time to brand your company, and a time to break away from the pack and create a new image for yourself like Calvin Cline did with their underwear commercials.
The important thing to remember is to focus. Calvin Cline didn’t try to sell underwear to all age groups, they focused on a narrow niche. Work at home and small business owners need to learn this lesson – niche marketing is the secret to making millions.
The potential is expansive. Clever competition and new technology should be seen as marketing tools, not threats. Staying on the cutting edge is all about innovation and creativity. Money is no longer the #1 element to success. Many small businesses are becoming international on small budgets.
Article Source: www.iwantcontent.com
Mark Walters is a third generation entrepreneur and author. He offers free training and investing videos designed to speed you towards financial independence at www.cashflowinstitute.com/videosignup.htm
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
9:43 PM
Six of our family members just arrived home from spending 10 days in Anaheim. (Disneyland). As soon as I arrived home, I immediately looked for an update on how the state of California is.
There was so much media coverage, that we literally spent our evenings watching in horror as the state was burning right before our eyes, all the while the trees could be heard slammimg into the windows of the hotel. The wind was unreal, we heard it was expected to reach 90mph!
Fortunately, we were able to spend two full days in San Diego, visiting the Zoo and Sea World. We were also able to spend a day at Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, and a day through Hollywood, which included an afternoon at the Santa Monica Pier. Truly beautiful country, and I am very thankful I was able to see as much as we did during our visit there. Our last day at Disneyland (Oct 21/07) was by far not like the first......very smokey.
My heart sinks for the people that live in these areas, which is a vast amount of people. We could actually see the flames on the hilltops and the red reflection on the smoke from Irvine. We were alarmed because the wind was so fierce there. A bit of a restless sleep that night. We could smell the smoke in the halls and we all had sore throats and eyes from walking around for only a few hours.
Though this is nothing compared to all those people that are losing there homes, possesions, businessess, pets, and even family members. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in this state, including all the brave and selfless firefighters, I understand nearly 8,600 are fighting these fires!
California really is a beautiful place, and that includes the people.....everyone was so friendly, and I could see that this was a place that will bounce back. I just hope this all ends soon.
In the plane as we flew over the fires........firstly I was amazed at the size, but more so the amount of fires. I was praying then, and I'm doin a rain dance too!
All the best, and stay safe.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
9:07 AM
Labels: California fires
BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need: More Readers For Their Blog.
By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.
BlogRush users earn "syndication credits" (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic (loads of the widget) as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush. Users can automatically refer others to BlogRush via special links on the widget, as well as through the promotion of a special referral URL they are given.
BlogRush is a "Cooperative Syndication Network" that rewards its users for their contributions to the network -- from the impressions they provide of the BlogRush Widget to the referral of other users through 10 'generations' of activity and the impressions of the widget that they provide. BlogRush was designed to be incredibly viral and to provide its users with tremendous distribution leverage to receive exposure for their blog content (onto related content blogs) that they could never achieve on their own; at least without a massive advertising budget.
BlogRush is the brainchild of Internet entrepreneur, John Reese. Mr. Reese is the founder and CEO of Income.com, a soon to be launched social network and media company for entrepreneurs. BlogRush is the first Web property of the Income.com Network, a network of sites and services to help entrepreneurs and business owners succeed. Income.com is based in Orlando, Florida.
Check it out here........BLOGRUSH
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:59 PM
Home bound workers can either consider telecommuting or freelancing. While telecommuting may keep you out of your home for some hours a week, online freelancing is a good way to make money if you are forced to stay at home. For example, homemakers, part-time students, retired folk, or others who wish to supplement their income from jobs or businesses can all consider freelancing.
Freelance Skill Sets
You can start earning as a freelancer as long as you have skills that someone is willing to pay for. For example, writers, web designers, photographers, and programmers can earn a substantial income by creating articles, websites, portfolios and software from home. The Internet is a hot and viable source of income for freelancers from around the world. Your target customers can be webmasters, online business owners, blog owners etc. For example, blogs and wikis are hot sources of income for freelance writers nowadays, and there's no reason why you can't tap into this market if you possess good writing skills.
Freelance Income
On the flip, your income may fluctuate from one month to another. As with all businesses, freelancing does not guarantee a stable paycheck at the end of the month. So keep a small kitty reserve for dry days or have another source of income for which you can work part-time. Be prepared to accept boring, low-level work initially just to keep the cash flow strong. Once you get a good reputation for providing original, high-quality work at reasonable price, then clients will flock to you.
Freelance Advantages
Probably the best thing about freelancing is that you get to work at your pace, in your own hours, from home, and be your own boss. That means, your shop is open 24x7. And as long as you provide good quality work and meet deadlines, your clients will remain happy with you.
In order to be visible, you also need to be seen and heard in the right places, like forums, blogs, online groups, etc. Spend time everyday to visit such sites because they are invaluable repository of freelance gigs and email addresses of prospects. Alternatively you can sign up with freelance sites like Elance.com, GetAFreelancer.com and Scriptlance.com where you can start bidding on projects and snag a few as early as today!
To conclude, a freelance business is one of the best ways to earn money from home and to work for your own self. If you've got a fair amount of time on your hands, maybe you too should consider freelancing as your full-time career alternative or supplementary income source.
(Hint: While you can find plenty of lucrative freelance assignments on Elance, the other sites mentioned above generally tend to feature lesser-paid projects. However, if you're just starting out as a freelancer, the competition on Elance can prove to be really tough. So you might want to first try GAF and Scriptlance to build up your portfolio, and then go for Elance.)
About The Author
Lewis Low is the founding editor of OnlineBizPromo.com. For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at http://www.onlinebizpromo.com/
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:42 PM
Labels: freelancing, stay at home, telecommuting
Hello ,
You’re looking for a business opportunity. I’m so glad because it means you want to change your life. I’m sure you already know how important it is to find that right opportunity. When I started looking for a business I knew that 97% of people who try to find financial freedom through a home-based business fail so I knew whatever I chose had to be different! There were certain "Givens."
-It had to be FREE so every person who wanted to change their lives would have a chance.
-It had to be simple.
-It had to take away all the “business games” that kept most people from succeeding in a home-based business.
The "Givens" were answered when I found MY POWER MALL!
I’m not going to take time to explain it because MY POWER MALL has created some powerful movies and a great website that will do just that. I will tell you it is totally new, totally FREE, very simple, and can be done in conjunction with anything else you are doing to generate financial freedom. You could easily be making $4 - 6000 a month, but your income potential is unlimited. Interested? Click the button below! It will only take a few minutes to determine if our FREE program is what you have been looking for. I believe it is!
My Power Mall
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
2:22 PM
Is Google AdWords an important part of your business? Do you want to pay less for every single click and earn more from every visitor?
If so, you're entitled to a rather bold guarantee: If you're accepted as a team member in Perry Marshall's 12 week "Bobsled Run" and if you complete the homework assignments, you'll recoup your tuition by December 2007 (through AdWords cost savings and increased sales), and you will make at least $25K more next year than you would have without the course, or your money back.
Step by step, you will master:
-Google AdWords: Discover the nuances of the most powerful advertising medium since television, and walk away with complete mastery
-Google Analytics: Find out exactly what's positively persuasive on your site, and what's not, and plug all the holes (this is where much of the profit-making wizardry is!)
-Google Site Optimizer: Try different headlines, colors, graphics with ease - get double-digit improvements to your opt-ins and sales nearly overnight
-Email, Autoresponders and Copywriting - find out how to develop powerful bonds with customers over time, further distancing yourself from me-too competition
-Sales and Pricing Strategies for maximum profitability - in most cases it's possible to increase your sales 30-40% and profitability by 60%, with my plan for extracting maximum profitability from every click
-Live workshop in Chicago, September 6-7: Accelerates your learning and implementation with hands-on, in-person expertise.
The course starts September 25. Find out all about it at:
To Your Success!
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:44 PM
Many families today rely on two incomes to pay their bills not being able to make ends meet month to month. They face several options to secure that extra income they need, one being obtaining a part-time job and the other a home-based business. It’s a decision with advantages and disadvantages to each. I want to provide some suggestions to help you make the right choice.
When deciding between a standard second job and a home-based business, it is important to consider the expenses incurred in both. For those considering a second job, many do not take into account the numerous extra expenses that go along with childcare, clothing, gas, etc. Crown Financial Ministries offers a worksheet online http://www.crown.org/Tools/mommake.asp to help you determine how much you will actually make once these expenses are deducted from your income. By breaking it down and seeing the guideline, you can see just how much extra you really bring home each week.
A home-based business also incurs expenses, but most of your business related expenses will be at least partially tax deductible. The IRS looks favorably on home-based businesses. The more money that you save with legitimate tax deductions, the more finances you’ll have to increase the size of your business. This in turn creates more revenue for the IRS.
A home-based business can also offer flexibility that a second job cannot. You can work from the comfort of your home – often in your pajamas if you choose. You can work the days you want and the hours you need. Your schedule is up to you! For example, Diana Ennen, author Virtual Assistant the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com/, states, “I enjoy the flexibility my home-based business provides. You can easily wake up at 5:30 a.m. to work or work until 2:00 a.m. whatever fits your personality. Many people enjoy it because they can start work after they have put the kids the bed and work a couple hours and earn extra money without having to hire a babysitter. Plus, it's all in the comfort of your own home. No costs on dry-cleaning, travel to work, gas expenses, etc., and you can't beat the one minute commute to the office!”
Allowing your family to be a part of the business is another benefit that not many jobs can compete with and thus another positive benefit to home-based businesses. Depending on the type of home-based business you choose, there may be small jobs that your children can assist with in the daily operations. These include: Helping prepare your mailings, preparing packages if you have a direct mail company, or even answering the phone - depending on their age. Your spouse can also be a part of your business and may be able to help run the business when you are not able to be at home.
Helping others be successful working from home is another great perk of being a part of a home-based business. Most home-based businesses allow you to build a team of people to work along side you. Finding other people that are interested in owning a business and then helping them succeed is satisfying and can be financially rewarding as well.
There are, of course, negative aspects about working from home. The success of your business depends solely on you. You need to be determined, efficient and organized to be successful. You must take the time to work at the business or you will not see the additional income that you desire. It can be very easy to let your business slide when you are tired or feeling discouraged. However, if you are aware of these temptations, you can create a plan to overcome them when they arise.
The benefits of a home-based business can many times override the work and time you must devote. When compared to the expenses occurred by taking a second job it is a great alternative. Because of the tax breaks when operating a home-based business, it is many times a more profitable option. You may not make a million, but it may allow you the freedom and income that you need to make life a little easier. Even with the disadvantages, many who work-at-home wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope this helps you make the right decision for you and your family.
About the Author
Jill Hart is the founder and editor of Christian Work at Home Moms, CWAHM.com, and the author of the e-book, The Two Week Devotional Journey for Christian Work at Home Moms. E-mail Jill at jill@cwahm.com for additional information or stop by her site at http://www.cwahm.com/ .
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
11:05 AM
By Nancy Kraska
Four years ago I decided to start an online business, never knowing what that would entail. I truly believed the hype of a business running 24/7 by itself. How utterly naive I was.
Essentially an online business does run by itself, once it is set up. However, an online business is constantly changing. New challenges await the unwary behind every website. Not only does it keep changing and challenging you the business owner, but as your business evolves so do the challenges. How you adapt to these challenges and changes will determine whether your online business will succeed.
From my personal experience, once you decide on the home based business you want to involve yourself in, allow at least three months to learn new strategies, for some a new language (computer speak), and to improve the multitude of new things you will be learning to enable you to run your home business. Have patience these first three to six months as they will be over in a blink of an eye; you need this learning curve to succeed. You need to know what you are doing and how you are doing it to start to grasp the concept of your running a home based business, and not chasing the dream of owning one.
Throughout the first year you will be learning every day, but within six months you should start seeing some award for your work in the form of cash! After months of trying and seeing little or no results that first big sale is like manna from heaven. It usually happens around the six month mark, but there are no guarantees in online business, to some extent it is sheer luck and perseverance. For me it was people telling me I could not make a living online. Something about being told I cannot do something has always struck a nerve with me.
If you have reached this turning point you will know that you have chosen the right home business for you.
This is also the time when you think you can sit back and reap the rewards. Not So! You have started building the business, now you have to add on. Much like you build a building. You have started the foundation, now move on to the upper floors. You need to take a close look at what you have built, and decide what you are doing that is working and what is not. Get rid of or refine what is not. Continue and refine what is.
I check my website daily, to see where my sales are coming from. If one product is doing better than another, that product gets more exposure. Do the same with advertising. If you use only free advertising as I do, check your sites several times a week to make sure your ads are getting the exposure you need them to get, if they are not getting any hits, rewrite them. I am constantly looking for new and legitimate work at home opportunities. Many of the opportunities I try out first before I put them on my website to make sure they are what they say they are, if it is something I cannot check out I enlist the aid of a trusted group of people who check the offers out first. There are a lot of scam artists out on cyberspace, unfortunately.
Owning your own home business is a continuing learning experience. It really never ends. Look into automation and programs that will help you improve your home based business. The business forums on the Internet are a good source for this type of information. As your profits increase the excitement of that first sale remains, but remember why you wanted a home based business. You need to take some of the profit and put it back into your business either in the form of better advertising, better software, whatever you need to make your business run smoother and faster.
Your home based business will give you the freedom and flexibility to enjoy life. Once you succeed in automating your business, you will be able to choose when you want to work and when you want to play.
Within the first year you will have set up a daily schedule which will give you a routine to your working days, while still maintaining the flexibility you longed for when starting. You won't be rich yet, but you will be your own boss. At the end of the first year you have made it past the ups and downs of owning your own business, you should be seeing a profit, and you are on track for where you want to be.
Most online marketers who are within their first five years are still working for someone else, but they, unlike their counterparts, see the end in sight. They know that they are where they want to be, and within a short period of time, they will be working only for themselves.
Nancy Kraska has been involved with internet marketing since September, 2004. For more information visit her directory of Work At Home Ideas and Opportunities at Home Work For You http://www.hmewrk4u.com/ View all articles by Nancy Kraska
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:17 PM
Joe Rao
SPACE.com Skywatching Columnist
Fri Aug 24, 5:30 PM ET
Tuesday morning, Aug. 28 brings us the second total lunar eclipse of 2007. Those living in the Western Hemisphere and eastern Asia will be able to partake in at least some of this sky show.
The very best viewing region for viewing this eclipse will fall across the Pacific Rim, including the West Coast of the United States and Canada, as well as Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand and eastern Australia. All these places will be able to see the complete eclipse from start to finish.
Europeans will miss out on the entire show, as the Moon will be below the horizon during their mid and late morning hours.
What to look for:
The eclipse will begin when the Moon enters the faint outer portion, or penumbra, of the Earth's shadow about an hour before it begins moving into the umbra. The penumbra, however, is all but invisible to the eye until the Moon becomes deeply immersed in it. Look for a slight hint of shading or smudginess on the eastern (left) edge of the lunar disk about 40 minutes after the Moon first enters the penumbral shadow.
The most obvious part of the eclipse will be when the Moon is passing through the dark umbral shadow of the Earth. On this occasion, the full Moon will track just to the south of the center of the Earth's umbra; deep path almost through the center of the umbra which will result in a total phase lasting an unusually long 1 hour 30 minutes (the maximum possible is 1 hour 47 minutes).
Because some of the sunlight striking our planet is diffused and scattered by our atmosphere, the Earth's shadow is not entirely dark. Enough of this light reaches the Moon to give it a faint orange or reddish glow even when it's totally eclipsed.
At greatest eclipse the Moon's southern limb will pass 1,039 mi. (1,672 km.) from the outer edge of the dark shadow. This should produce a relatively dark eclipse, with the Moon glowing a dull coppery color along its lower portion and a deep brown or gray over its upper portion. SPACE.com encourages viewers to estimate the Danjon value - a five-point scale of lunar luminosity ("L") to classify eclipses - at mid-totality.
The Moon enters the umbra at 4:51 a.m. EDT (1:51 a.m. PDT). Totality begins at 5:32 EDT (2:52 PDT) and ends after sunrise on the East coast and at 4:22 a.m. PDT.
Where you can see it:
As for the region of visibility for this eclipse, it pretty much is the "flip side" of the last eclipse, in March: Whereas Africa, Europe and western Asia had ringside seats for that late-winter spectacle, this time they are completely out of luck. The timing of the eclipse comes during their late morning and early afternoon hours, with the eclipsed Moon below the horizon.
Conversely, almost the entire Pacific Ocean is turned toward the Moon during this August eclipse. In fact, at mid-totality the Moon will appear directly overhead for a spot over the open waters of the Pacific, roughly 1,800 mi. (2,900 km.) south of Hawaii.
And whereas, for the March lunar eclipse those near and along the Pacific Rim could catch a brief view at dawn, while the Americas view coincided with moonrise, in August we are presented with the converse of these circumstances. For the eclipse will already be underway at moonrise for Japan and much of Australia on the evening of Aug. 28.
The rest of eastern Asia will either have the Moon rise during totality, or will see it as it is exiting the Earth's shadow.
But from North America, the eclipse occurs during the early morning hours of Aug. 28.
The Canadian Maritimes will miss totality, as the Moon will set in partial eclipse before it begins.
Across the eastern third of the United States, moonset arrives in the midst of the total phase. So, less than six months after easterners watched the Moon rise during totality, comes the opportunity to be treated to the sight of the Moon setting during totality! However, thanks to advancing morning twilight, plus horizon haze, for those living in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic States it is likely that the dim Moon (some 10,000 times fainter than a normal full Moon) will more-or-less vanish from view near or just after the onset of totality.
Over the central states, the Moon will set in partial eclipse, while emerging from the umbra; the farther west, the less of the Moon so covered. An interesting observation for watchers in this zone who have an unobstructed eastern and western horizon is to attempt seeing the partially eclipsed setting Moon and the rising Sun at the same time. The Moon will remain above the horizon for a few minutes after sunup.
From the western states, all umbral stages will be visible before moonset affording the best views of totality (in a dark sky) within the contiguous states and more than making up for being completely shut-out of a view of last March's eclipse. And Alaska and Hawaii will see the eclipse happen in the middle of their night. Mid-totality for Anchorage comes at 1:37 a.m. Alaskan Daylight Time and for Honolulu at 12:37 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time.
Coming attraction:
Should clouds interfere with your attempt to view Tuesday's eclipse, you won't have very long to wait for the next opportunity. That will come just under six months from now, on the night of Feb. 20-21. Another total lunar eclipse (the third in less than a year's time) will be visible throughout much of North and South America as well as Europe, Africa and parts of western Asia.
Video: All About This Eclipse
Starry Night Online: Virtual View of the Eclipse
All About the Moon
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
7:50 PM
I never thought I’d be able to have it all…financial independence and time with my family Thanks, Womens Wealth and Wellness!
We help women -- from all walks of life. New moms, working professionals, college students, grandmothers and more.
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Our Mission is to provide our members with the best possible support, the latest research in health and nutrition, expert training, coaching and personal mentoring. The support is incredible, fromone simple fact – we have a vested interest in the personal and financial success of the women we choose to work with.
So if you are ready to achieve, click here to find out more.It will change your life.
Womens Wealth and Wellness
Click Here
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
12:20 PM
We would all like to be able to brag a bit and declare ‘what a flood of traffic our site is receiving…tons by the hour, in fact!’ It seems we all get caught up in the numbers game. I, for one, like to take frequent peeks on how the statistics are holding up. Usually disappointment settles in if I didn’t get a big increase from the last time I looked. It’s true, traffic matters…or I would not be looking quite so often.
Most website owners have long known that traffic is important. Without it, we will not get any sales. It’s also a fact that without a fairly large amount of traffic, you’re not going to profit much either. Statistics show that you usually only convert a small amount of sales for a certain ratio of visitors that you receive. Nevertheless, you must also realize that it’s not just about “numbers”. It’s about “targeted” visitors and what you do with those visitors once you get them to your site.
Here’s 3 quick tips on optimizing the traffic you already receive at your site:
1. Analyze your traffic. Make sure you have some way to track your traffic flow so that you can determine what kind of visitors you are receiving at your website and where they come from. What keywords did they use to find your site on the search engines? Bidding for general keywords, such as “biscuits” may bring you wasted traffic. For instance, if they’re searching for “dog biscuits” and you only offer “buttermilk biscuits” then, this visitor is not a true visitor that will convert sales and your money is wasted.
*Two ways to improve your advertising:
a. Carefully choose keywords that will target specific products and not general products. Also make sure to include specific keywords within your site that will target the right market.
b. Carefully choose targeted websites for your advertising campaigns. Advertising on “Mary’s Online Hotdog Stand” will not help you sell your jewelry (unless perhaps you sell “hotdog charms”). The key to choosing proper websites for advertising is to determine exactly who will be your targeted audience.
2. Find out where all your traffic is going. If you’re not converting any sales with the traffic you get, then analyze your site.
*Two possible places your traffic went once they came to your site:
a. They headed back out from where they came. Some possible reasons are, they got confused or frustrated by not being able to find what they were looking for, they were looking for something that you didn’t offer, they got bored quickly because there wasn’t any real content, or your website had too many moving objects and cheap looking graphics. Take time to analyze everything thoroughly. Engage the help of a few volunteers to get their perspective. Perhaps you’re not offering enough variety, your descriptions are not clear enough or your photos are not giving justice to your products. Small changes can sometimes make a real difference in your sales.
b. They left through a new link. Depending on the purpose of your site, this can be a bad thing or a good thing. Affiliate sites are meant to act as referral sites. They often lead the visitors to browse other resources that interests their visitors. Google adsense sites are meant to encourage clicks as well. But, if you’re trying to sell your own products or services, it’s a bad thing to lead them away from your site. Watch where you place your outgoing links. Limit the numbers of links on your homepage and choose carefully outgoing links that will lead to a possible “sale”.
3. Optimize your ppc traffic. Pay-per-click campaigns can lead you to an empty bank account real fast if you haven’t taken some time to educate yourself about using this method of advertising.
*There’s two easy ways to optimize your ppc traffic.
a. Make it super easy for your visitor to find what they want. Don’t make your visitors spend time hunting around your site. If you’ve bid on the keyword phrase, “chocolate truffles”, don’t send them to your homepage to see if they can play the online game of, “Hunt-down-the-truffles in 25 min.” More than likely they won’t play the game and you’ll be the real loser. Make it easy as possible by linking to the specific page for your keyword and you’ll have a better chance of getting a sale.
b. Add your mailing list signup form on each page. Remember to entice them in some way so they’ll signup. Everybody likes something free. Make sure to offer something related to your content; for example, “Get a Chance to Win the World’s Largest Chocolate Truffle When you Sign Up for our Newsletter.” This is a “must-do” priority for your website. Most of your visitors are not going to immediately buy from you unless they’re really desperate and you’ve only got one chocolate truffle left. Capture your own sales leads by gathering email addresses from all your visitors. Now, you will create an opportunity to get your products and services in front of your visitors over and over again. Your ppc clicks will also serve double duty in this manner.
To sum up the topic of website traffic, continue to learn methods that will help you increase traffic to your site and focus on keeping them once they’re there.
Article by:
Rhonda White Mom's Home Business Network wahm-announce.com mommyaffiliates.com
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
2:46 PM
Whatever type of online business you are running, one of the most vital things to remember is that you should test everything!
The beauty of the Internet is that you can test countless different ways of running your business without it costing you a small fortune (or indeed, anything at all). This is a huge advantage over traditional 'offline' businesses and something that should be taken advantage of. Think about it, let's say you have an offline business and you want to take an advertisement in a local newspaper. Once you have agreed the layout and text of the advert with the publisher, that's it - you can't change it once the newspaper has been printed if you don't get the results you were hoping for.
In complete contrast, with an Internet business, you can change your sales page and online advertising at any time which means you can 'tweak' every little detail to ensure that you are making maximum sales and getting the very best value for money from your advertising.
In general, when making changes to any website/sales page/advert etc, it is best to make only minor alterations rather than a major overhaul. The reason for this is that if you change everything on a page and it affects your sales, you won't know EXACTLY what made the difference. If you make one or two small changes at a time, you can see precisely which one made the difference to what your visitors/customers do when they get to your site. Remember, even tiny changes can make a huge difference - seriously - just something as simple as changing a headline can increase or decrease sales significantly.
Having said that, from time to time, I do think it is a good idea to give any website or sales page a major transformation, just to see what happens :-)
I have numerous sales pages and sites that haven't been altered for years yet still produce sales everyday. Though, in fairness, there is no reason why they shouldn't since most visitors to the pages in question aren't aware that they haven't been changed for so long and as long as the product is up to date and of high quality it really shouldn't matter.
With this in mind, I have recently set about re-writing some of my sales pages and if you have some pages that you haven't touched for a while, you might want to consider doing the same thing. One of the main things that occurred to me when I started re-writing my sales copy was that my own ability and experience has grown vastly since I first wrote the copy in question and like anything, the more you do something, the better you get at it. I am sure that this is the same for many of my subscribers - they have a sales page that was written when they first started working online and it works - it makes sales BUT the person in question now has a lot more experience than they had when they first wrote the page and is therefore capable of doing the same job a lot better....
To give you some idea of the impact that re-writing a sales page or re-designing a website can have, I have noticed that some of my 'new' pages are generating 25% more sales than the old ones!! This isn't the case with all of the new pages and it is likely that I will revert back to the old pages in some cases but as I said at the start of this article, it is all about testing.
Even if it takes you a day to write some new sales copy, isn't it worth taking the time to give it a go? That one day of work could increase your income by 25% or more for the next year (or even longer)!
At the end of the day, even if you don't want to completely change your website or sales pages (this also applies to your eBay auction sales pages etc), then I can't stress strongly enough the point that you should be making regular minor changes to try and improve your sales ratio.
Remember, it only takes a few minutes to make a small change to your site and it won't cost you anything. This is a luxury that offline businesses are not usually afforded so you really should ensure that you take maximum advantage of this 'edge'.
Copyright © 2005 Richard Grady__________________________
Richard Grady has been helping ordinary people earn online since 1998. He writes a free newsletter which is published every two weeks. To subscribe (and claim your free gifts), visit: http://www.thetraderonline.com/newsletter.html
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
11:26 PM
In it's third year, the Hot Seminar Series
continues to serve up powerful internet
learning every Wednesday night all through
the summer. If you haven't been coming in
for the free sessions I encourage you to
visit the site to pick up the recordings and
transcripts that you've missed - or better
yet - pick up a Season Pass and get everything.
==> 2007 Hot Seminar Series
So far we've heard from Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,
Alice Seba, Lynn Terry & Kerry Beck. These
gals have spoken about content, ebay, copywriting
and coming up with killer ideas for info
Topics yet to come include media, affiliate
management, telecommuting, using internet surveys
and writing a book about what you know.
Summer is not the time for laying down and
snoozing where business is concerned. Use this
summer to raise the bar and prepare for the
best fall season ever!
==> 2007 Hot Seminar Series
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
12:22 PM
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:49 PM
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:01 PM
Labels: Fathers Day
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
9:06 AM
How many times have you been scammed? I know that might seem like a strange question but there is a reason for it. I asked how many times you got scammed because, judging by the online advertising around over the last few months, admitting to getting scammed multiple times is the latest Internet marketing trend. The websites all these "I was scammed" people are talking about are work at home/home business opportunities. These "I was scammed" websites are multiplying and the latest ones claim that between 95% and 99% of work at home opportunities are scams.
Work at home/home business opportunity scams do exist (I have even written articles about them previously) but an estimate of 95-99% being scams sounds too high to be genuine. I decided to check out some of the "don't get scammed - work at home/home business opportunities are scams" websites. (Please don't get the idea I'm going to pass myself off as a "researcher" or "investigator", it was just done out of curiosity.)
There are some good anti-scam websites which give warnings about types of work at home scams, how to spot them and where to get help if you do get scammed. The new style "don't get scammed" websites are different. They don't actually offer any help or advice on how to spot and avoid scams. They just issue frightening warnings about the number of work at home/home business opportunity scams, tell us they were scammed numerous times and advise us to join their latest get rich quick program.
Can anyone explain why any sensible person would join a get rich quick program recommended by someone so gullible they have to get totally charred before they realise fire is hot?
Looking at these "don't get scammed" websites was a saddening experience. One ant-scammer says: "I have tried just about anything to try to make money and to be honest with you, I didn't have the brains to get very far". Then he goes on to urge you to buy into his current get rich quick program. You have to admire the guy for admitting he is short on brains but is that enough to make you want to join his get rich quick scheme? Makes me want to reach for my credit cards - and hide them!
Another "don't get scammed" website owner admits he was scammed 37 times in 3 months when he joined 37 get rich quick programs. Then he suggests you join his pick of get rich quick schemes. Three months? Hardly long enough to establish a home business, let alone become successful with it. He doesn't explain whether he joined all 37 get rich quick scams on day one and tried to run them all (obviously impossible) or if he tested them one at a time. If he took the latter course, the average time allowed to each get rich quick scheme would be 2 ½ days (not really long enough to give any program a fair trial).
Yet another "don't get scammed" researcher says he knows all online paid survey companies are scams because his sister joined one once and hadn't made a profit after trying for a month. Then he tells you to join his selected money making programs. One person, one company, one month: hardly a scientific test conditions for a research project.
Another "don't get scammed" website states: "we went out and paid real money for the Internet opportunities that we thought showed promise. Most of the time, we were wrong." Then it lists recommendations for various work at home/money making programs. "Most of the time we were wrong" - would you trust their judgement and join the programs they recommend? - Me neither!
A genuine victim of a scam is in a position to give a detailed warning about the particular scam. However, these people just say "I was scammed", they don't name the scam programs or explain how the scams operate. Their message comes through as "I'm so stupid I was scammed numerous times but still try to make money with get rich quick schemes, you should join my latest one."
Remember: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 37 times…?
About The Author -Elaine Currie
Find safe work at home opportunities at http://www.HuntingVenus.com or visit Elaine Currie at http://www.elainecurrie.com/workathome
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:22 PM
Please read the following with the utmost URGENCY!
2007 is in full swing and there have been some CRITICAL CHANGES to the way you need to market your business to make money online...changes YOU must know about!
And I am not just talking about one or two little changes! I am talking about massive changes that include...
1) How Google, Yahoo!, and MSN have changed and how to get (or even just maintain) top 10 listings!
2) Maximizing your profits from email promotions and making sure they get to your customers’ inbox and not get you labeled as ‘Junk’!
3) How to make money in the Pay-Per-Click search engines... even after the big guys keep changing the rules and most business are losing big!
4) What web design strategies and salescopy techniques are working in 2007 (many of last year’s strategies don’t work anymore... do you know which ones?)
5) Advanced technology that you must start using BEFORE your competitors steal your customers with it.
… and the list could go on!
I am not trying to scare you out of doing business online, I just want to make you aware of the realities of making money on the Internet in 2007.
Now after that little rant, I do have some GOOD NEWS...
I have gone to bat for my customers and subscribers to make sure you have ALL of the latest tools, tips and strategies from one ofthe MOST SUCCESFUL Internet marketing Gurus in the world!
To find out who and what I am talking about please take five minutes and read the following webpage...
This could be the most valuable five minutes in 2007!
All the best,
P.S. When you go to http://www.marketingtips.com/t.cgi/894117 pay attention to how many people are using this system… there are some incredible stories that you can learn a ton from!
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
9:58 PM
In the past all you had to do to get good rankings in Google and the other search engines was to trade links with several other web sites using your key words in the link text. Although this still holds true today, I have reason to believe sites are being penalized for not using a directory style link structure with no more than 25 links per page. Having a directory style links system on your site will make it more of a resource to your visitors and not just a bunch of un-organized links all lumped together on a single page.
There are of course other ways to attract incoming links to your web site without providing a link back or what’s called a reciprocal link.
1. There are thousands of forums out there that will allow your links in a short signature file at the end of each post. Join forums that are related to your subject matter and take part in the discussions. Make sure you use your key words in you signature file link and not just your URL. For a short list click on the following blog link http://www.bigmoolla.com/2005_03_06_archive.html
2. Submit your site to as many directories as you can. There are thousands of directories out there that will post your website into there directory for free and also some that charge a small one time fee. Again your title or link text is key. Make sure you are using your key words in your link text or title. For a short list click on the following blog link http://www.bigmoolla.com/2005_03_06_archive.html
3. Writing and submitting articles like this one with a small resource box at the end is also a good way to attract one way links back to your site. When you submit your articles to the many article directory portals you are getting links from the portal site, plus people will search for and use the articles from the portal site on their own sites. If you write just 1 good article and submit it to 10-20 portal sites you could end up with 100’s of back links over a very short time. For a short list click on the following link http://bigmoolla.com/submissions.html
4. Writing and submitting press releases work almost the same way an article works. You write the press release and submit it to PR sites. The PR site will submit it to the major search engine for a small fee and your press release could end up on Google and Yahoo news search the next day. People are also looking for free news feeds to syndicate on their web sites and blogs. If you write a good news piece it could end up on 100’s of blogs and other news sites around the web. Again make sure your web site link is in the news piece some were. For a short list visit the following blog link. http://www.bigmoolla.com/2005/01/write-and-submit-press-releases.html
5. Free classifieds may not provide you with much traffic but you can create hundreds of back links to your web site with a little time and effort. For a short list visit the following link. http://bigmoolla.com/classifieds.html
6. There are also web sites that will place your link on their front page as a sponsored link for a small fee. For this to work thou you need to make sure your links are up for more than a month or two. If the search engine picks up your link one month but its gone the next it won’t do much good.
So for those of you who concentrate entirely on reciprocal links and are wondering what has happened to your Google ranking, you may want to consider a few or all of the above linking techniques.
Tom Worsley is a successful work from home Internet marketer and independent
representative for Strong Future International (SFI) http://freemoneymlm.com/make-money-from-home.html , Owner and Webmaster for http://kawarthapublishing.com & http://www.bigmoolla.com .
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
4:39 PM
Would just like to wish all the Moms out there a very special Mothers Day! Hope you all recieve something special. A warm hug, an 'I love you' and some flowers go a long way.
My special treat was cherry and vanilla ice-cream with little chocolate hearts filled with a teenie bit of cherry liquor inside each and mixed in with the yummy ice-cream. How sweet! mmmm...it helps that we have a Baskin Robbins across the street!
Take the day off and enjoy! From one Mom to another.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
4:56 PM
Labels: mothers day
Balanced traffic is very important if you want to generate income from your web sites. If your web site is gathering dust without any visitors, there is no way to generate any revenue from it. Remember without effort and some investment, it is not possible to make money. However, to generate traffic to your web site you do not need to invest a lot of money.
It is completely understandable a well-established web site might invest a lot of money in big advertising campaigns to get more visitors to their site. Very simply, these successful site owners can afford to do so. But that doesnt mean a newbie has to do the same.
Instead, you can do the various low cost methods of generating traffic to your web site. This is actually a very safe, risk free method.
Below I have listed the five most effective ways to produce low cost web site traffic that will definitely prove to be beneficial for your site.
Article submission:
The various ezines, article directories and online encyclopedias allow us to submit articles in their sites. Make sure you submit articles that are relevant to your site. The best format to get your articles read is to write in a smooth, flowing, easy to read manner and give tips and guidelines. Dont forget to insert the link to your web site at the bottom of the article. With captivating articles, the readers will be interested in your products and services, ensuring a higher flow of traffic.
Writing and distributing newsletters is not at all a hard job. With distribution of newsletters, your website will gain more recognition and build an opt-in list. This will result in people paying regular visits to your site.
Online Communities and Forums:
This is a cost-effective way of generating traffic to your web site. You need no money to invest, the only investment will be time. There are several online communities and forums where you can register and share your knowledge and experience with other people. You can also promote your services and web site through these forums. Remember to include your sites link in your signature. You will get the best results if you become a member of a forum that is relevant to your web site. With time, try to build a good reputation for yourself and this will definitely help in developing good will toward your site as well. This helps people to trust your services or products as well.
Link exchange:
This is a sure-fire, proven method. These days, almost every site has links to other relevant sites. The webmasters agree to link exchange programs because this helps in bringing traffic to their sites and services. Through link exchange, you are bound to see an increase in the flow of traffic to your site. Link exchanges also help to get you a high page rank in the search engines. The search engines will generate even more traffic to your web site at no cost.
Now that you know this, there should be nothing stopping you from earning a little extra income from home on the Internet. Persevere and you can make it your living just like myself and countless others have done.
Anthony Cai,The Downlines Attraction Coach, helps Committed People, who are serious about Earning Recurring Income, move Mountains. He has written articles on how anyone can improve their profits and sales by improving their Business Knowledge, Self-esteem or Service niche. If youre ready to attract more downlines, make more money and have more fun while you're doing it. You'll find TONS of resources to help you at: http://www.allsuccessisyours.com
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
10:48 PM
Although this Blog is generally made up of ideas, resources and information on ways to work from home, I thought I’d share the reason why I choose to work from home in the first place.
Nearly a year ago, our daughter was diagnosed with both a Learning Disability (LD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). The process to deal with this news is different for everyone, but I found that after the initial shock, we grieved, and then we dealt. The end result is a happier little girl and happier parents. The journey to acceptance is not always an easy one. There are so many negative perceptions and stigmas attached to these disorders that would likely turn most parents to denial. After all, if you look under the definition of stigma in a dictionary you will find ‘a social disgrace’. People harbour many mistaken beliefs on this topic, which is what inspired me to write this and share the truth about AD/HD.
For myself, I needed to find out what we had in store and research this misunderstood condition. I like to pride myself in the fact that I can usually find the good in a bad situation, and this was going to be no different. The bounty of information available on the Internet enabled me to educate myself, which is essential in helping your child or your loved one through this difficult start. I say start, because once treated properly, things will balance out the way they should.
Some of the myths and misconceptions that I discovered and debunked are:
MYTH: AD/HD isn’t a real medical disorder.
TRUTH: AD/HD has been recognized as a legitimate diagnosis by major medical, psychological, and educational organizations, including the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Education. The American Psychiatric Society recognizes AD/HD as a medical disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – the official mental health “bible” used by psychologists and psychiatrists.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (also known as attention deficit disorder) is biologically based. Research shows that it’s a result of an imbalance of chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, within the brain. Its primary symptoms are inattention, impulsiveness, and sometimes hyperactivity. People with AD/HD typically have a great deal of difficulty with aspects of daily life, including time management and organizational skills.
MYTH: AD/HD only affects boys.
TRUTH: Gender makes no difference in the symptoms caused by the disorder; girls are just as likely to have AD/HD as are boys. But because this myth persists, boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls.
MYTH: People who have AD/HD are stupid or lazy-they never amount to anything.
TRUTH: People with AD/HD are of above-average intelligence, recent studies show. They certainly aren’t lazy. Their creativity and imagination are exceptional. In fact, many well-known, high-achieving individuals from the past are thought to have had AD/HD, including Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Bernard Shaw, and Salvador Dali.
MYTH: AD/HD is a result of bad parenting.
TRUTH: When a child with AD/HD blurts things out or gets out of his seat in class, it’s not because he hasn’t been taught that these behaviours are unacceptable. It’s because he can’t control his impulses. The problem is rooted to brain chemistry, not discipline. In fact, overly strict parenting – which may involve punishing a child for things he can’t control – can actually make AD/HD symptoms worse. Professional intervention, such as drug therapy, psychotherapy, and behaviour modification therapy are usually required.
MYTH: Children who are given special accommodations because of their AD/HD are getting an unfair advantage.
TRUTH: The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that public schools address the special needs of all children with disabilities, including children with AD/HD. Special accommodations, such as extra time on tests or scribing, simply level the playing field so that the kids with AD/HD can learn as successfully as their non AD/HD classmates.
MYTH: Children with AD/HD eventually outgrow their condition.
TRUTH: More than 70% of the individuals who have AD/HD in childhood continue to have it in adolescence. Up to 50% will continue to have it in adulthood.
Although it’s been estimated that 6% of the adult population has AD/HD, the majority of those adults remain undiagnosed, and only one in four of them seek treatment. Yet, without help, adults with AD/HD are highly vulnerable to depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. They often experience career difficulties, legal and financial problems, and troubled personal relationships.
MYTH: Children who take AD/HD medication are more likely to abuse drugs when they become teenagers.
TRUTH: Actually, it’s just the opposite. Having untreated AD/HD increases the risk that an individual will abuse drugs or alcohol. Appropriate treatment reduces the risk.
The medications used to treat AD/HD have been proven safe and effective for more than 50 years of use. These drugs don’t cure AD/HD, but they are highly effective at easing symptoms of the disorder. The drugs do not turn kids into addicts or “zombies”. If any such side effect should arise, your child is either on the wrong dosage or medication.
There are sometimes tough choices that have to be made when it comes to treatment. My recommendation is to find a doctor/paediatrician that you trust and are comfortable talking too. Utilize all the information available to you and educate yourself. One thing that the doctor said to our daughter that I will never forget, is that the treatment that she required was going to help her show the world just how smart she really was. She couldn’t have been more right!
For us, there has been a complete turn around. Our daughter has received her first ‘A’ on her recent report card, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. The meetings with teachers over her performance have now turned positive after years of struggling with negativity. She enjoys school, has a happier demeanour, and most importantly, her self-esteem and confidence have boosted tremendously. She is no longer hovering over her work, afraid and ashamed, but sitting tall and ready to learn and grow.
Like I mentioned earlier, there is no cure. Your child or loved one will likely always have symptoms, but with proper treatment, there is no reason why they can’t become happy, healthy, successful individuals.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
11:29 AM
Labels: AD/HD
When business owners decide to take business online, the question always comes up, “Do I need a web designer or can I build my own website?”
Both options are very viable, but you need to decide what’s best for you and your business.
Here’s some things to consider:
If you hire a web designer, you don’t have to worry about learning how to build a website – which is a relief to many people. This means you can concentrate on the more important tasks of your business.
However, do realize that building a website is not as technical as it has been in the past. There are plenty of web-building options that are basic point-and-click technology. If you work with a designer, you will be subject to that designer’s schedule. Designers have other clients to manage and they need to prioritize any updates or changes you need to make to your website. This can be a drawback because the Internet is an amazing marketing medium where it’s easy to quick changes and test out new marketing ideas at minimal cost. When your business needs to wait for a designer to make changes, you may fall behind in your development.
Still, if you build your own website, there may be a time where you need to turn to a designer or a programmer if you need special features on your website. Of course, you can learn how to do all these things if you’re so inclined, but it can be a time-consuming and sometimes complicated task. This means if you need a message board, shopping cart or other special function, you may need to turn to a designer or a programmer for that task.
Overall, if you want to save money and have more control over your web presence, you will want to have a hand in your own web development. You might choose to use a site builder that offers many of the features you are looking for (ex. shopping cart, mailing lists, etc.) and uses the point-and-click technology mentioned earlier. That way, it’s easy for you to create an online presence without a huge learning curve and you still have time to focus on the more important aspects of business.
Looking for an even easier option to build your web pages? Take the comprehensive website builder at Internet Based Family for a 10-day test trial. You can choose from over 1200 templates and your account includes all kinds of interactive features including: message board, shopping cart, mailing list, coupons and more.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:43 PM
Whether it's for business or personal use, it seems like everyone has a web page these days. That may be because it's become so affordable and easy to put a web page together. Web page building is no longer for the "tech geeks". Once upon a time, you had to learn HTML (hyper-text markup language) to build a web page but today you have so many options to create your own website that don't require you to learn complicated coding. You can use a WYSIWG (What You See Is What You Get) editor like Microsoft's FrontPage. This software allows you to write your web page as you would any other document and you can drag and drop images easily. It takes a bit of practice to make things look the way you'd like, but you can also purchase templates to create a professional look and feel.
So, now we know that you don't have to be a technological genius to build a web page -- what else do you need to create your web presence?
Domain: This is the name of your website. You will need to purchase a name that will represent your company or personal web presence. For example: ebay.com is Ebay's domain name.
Web Host: You will also need to find a company that will store your various files on the Internet. This is called a web host. You usually pay them monthly for their service.
Your Next Steps to Building Your Web Page:
WYSIWG software can cost hundreds of dollars and allows you to build web pages that provide basic information to your visitors. If you are looking to have more interactivity and features to your web page like: message board, shopping cart (allows you to securely sell products on your site), mailing list, coupons and other options, you may want to look at a more comprehensive web building service, like the easy site builder at Internet Based Family. You can also purchase your domain there and they will host your pages on the Internet. There is a 10-day free trial to help you ensure it's the right web-building tool for you.
All in all, building a website isn't as complicated as you may have thought previously. All it takes is some point-and-click web building software, a domain name and a web host.
Posted by
Tammy Akmens
1:33 PM