Monday, August 27, 2007

Although I live, eat, and breathe work at home {wink}, I also enjoy the night sky and thought I'd share this interesting article I came across.

Joe Rao Skywatching Columnist
Fri Aug 24, 5:30 PM ET

Tuesday morning, Aug. 28 brings us the second total lunar eclipse of 2007. Those living in the Western Hemisphere and eastern Asia will be able to partake in at least some of this sky show.

The very best viewing region for viewing this eclipse will fall across the Pacific Rim, including the West Coast of the United States and Canada, as well as Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand and eastern Australia. All these places will be able to see the complete eclipse from start to finish.

Europeans will miss out on the entire show, as the Moon will be below the horizon during their mid and late morning hours.

What to look for:

The eclipse will begin when the Moon enters the faint outer portion, or penumbra, of the Earth's shadow about an hour before it begins moving into the umbra. The penumbra, however, is all but invisible to the eye until the Moon becomes deeply immersed in it. Look for a slight hint of shading or smudginess on the eastern (left) edge of the lunar disk about 40 minutes after the Moon first enters the penumbral shadow.

The most obvious part of the eclipse will be when the Moon is passing through the dark umbral shadow of the Earth. On this occasion, the full Moon will track just to the south of the center of the Earth's umbra; deep path almost through the center of the umbra which will result in a total phase lasting an unusually long 1 hour 30 minutes (the maximum possible is 1 hour 47 minutes).
Because some of the sunlight striking our planet is diffused and scattered by our atmosphere, the Earth's shadow is not entirely dark. Enough of this light reaches the Moon to give it a faint orange or reddish glow even when it's totally eclipsed.

At greatest eclipse the Moon's southern limb will pass 1,039 mi. (1,672 km.) from the outer edge of the dark shadow. This should produce a relatively dark eclipse, with the Moon glowing a dull coppery color along its lower portion and a deep brown or gray over its upper portion. encourages viewers to estimate the Danjon value - a five-point scale of lunar luminosity ("L") to classify eclipses - at mid-totality.

The Moon enters the umbra at 4:51 a.m. EDT (1:51 a.m. PDT). Totality begins at 5:32 EDT (2:52 PDT) and ends after sunrise on the East coast and at 4:22 a.m. PDT.

Where you can see it:

As for the region of visibility for this eclipse, it pretty much is the "flip side" of the last eclipse, in March: Whereas Africa, Europe and western Asia had ringside seats for that late-winter spectacle, this time they are completely out of luck. The timing of the eclipse comes during their late morning and early afternoon hours, with the eclipsed Moon below the horizon.

Conversely, almost the entire Pacific Ocean is turned toward the Moon during this August eclipse. In fact, at mid-totality the Moon will appear directly overhead for a spot over the open waters of the Pacific, roughly 1,800 mi. (2,900 km.) south of Hawaii.

And whereas, for the March lunar eclipse those near and along the Pacific Rim could catch a brief view at dawn, while the Americas view coincided with moonrise, in August we are presented with the converse of these circumstances. For the eclipse will already be underway at moonrise for Japan and much of Australia on the evening of Aug. 28.

The rest of eastern Asia will either have the Moon rise during totality, or will see it as it is exiting the Earth's shadow.

But from North America, the eclipse occurs during the early morning hours of Aug. 28.

The Canadian Maritimes will miss totality, as the Moon will set in partial eclipse before it begins.
Across the eastern third of the United States, moonset arrives in the midst of the total phase. So, less than six months after easterners watched the Moon rise during totality, comes the opportunity to be treated to the sight of the Moon setting during totality! However, thanks to advancing morning twilight, plus horizon haze, for those living in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic States it is likely that the dim Moon (some 10,000 times fainter than a normal full Moon) will more-or-less vanish from view near or just after the onset of totality.

Over the central states, the Moon will set in partial eclipse, while emerging from the umbra; the farther west, the less of the Moon so covered. An interesting observation for watchers in this zone who have an unobstructed eastern and western horizon is to attempt seeing the partially eclipsed setting Moon and the rising Sun at the same time. The Moon will remain above the horizon for a few minutes after sunup.

From the western states, all umbral stages will be visible before moonset affording the best views of totality (in a dark sky) within the contiguous states and more than making up for being completely shut-out of a view of last March's eclipse. And Alaska and Hawaii will see the eclipse happen in the middle of their night. Mid-totality for Anchorage comes at 1:37 a.m. Alaskan Daylight Time and for Honolulu at 12:37 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time.

Coming attraction:

Should clouds interfere with your attempt to view Tuesday's eclipse, you won't have very long to wait for the next opportunity. That will come just under six months from now, on the night of Feb. 20-21. Another total lunar eclipse (the third in less than a year's time) will be visible throughout much of North and South America as well as Europe, Africa and parts of western Asia.

Video: All About This Eclipse
Starry Night Online: Virtual View of the Eclipse
All About the Moon
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Here's the Traffic, Where are All the Sales?

We would all like to be able to brag a bit and declare ‘what a flood of traffic our site is receiving…tons by the hour, in fact!’ It seems we all get caught up in the numbers game. I, for one, like to take frequent peeks on how the statistics are holding up. Usually disappointment settles in if I didn’t get a big increase from the last time I looked. It’s true, traffic matters…or I would not be looking quite so often.

Most website owners have long known that traffic is important. Without it, we will not get any sales. It’s also a fact that without a fairly large amount of traffic, you’re not going to profit much either. Statistics show that you usually only convert a small amount of sales for a certain ratio of visitors that you receive. Nevertheless, you must also realize that it’s not just about “numbers”. It’s about “targeted” visitors and what you do with those visitors once you get them to your site.

Here’s 3 quick tips on optimizing the traffic you already receive at your site:

1. Analyze your traffic. Make sure you have some way to track your traffic flow so that you can determine what kind of visitors you are receiving at your website and where they come from. What keywords did they use to find your site on the search engines? Bidding for general keywords, such as “biscuits” may bring you wasted traffic. For instance, if they’re searching for “dog biscuits” and you only offer “buttermilk biscuits” then, this visitor is not a true visitor that will convert sales and your money is wasted.

*Two ways to improve your advertising:

a. Carefully choose keywords that will target specific products and not general products. Also make sure to include specific keywords within your site that will target the right market.

b. Carefully choose targeted websites for your advertising campaigns. Advertising on “Mary’s Online Hotdog Stand” will not help you sell your jewelry (unless perhaps you sell “hotdog charms”). The key to choosing proper websites for advertising is to determine exactly who will be your targeted audience.

2. Find out where all your traffic is going. If you’re not converting any sales with the traffic you get, then analyze your site.

*Two possible places your traffic went once they came to your site:

a. They headed back out from where they came. Some possible reasons are, they got confused or frustrated by not being able to find what they were looking for, they were looking for something that you didn’t offer, they got bored quickly because there wasn’t any real content, or your website had too many moving objects and cheap looking graphics. Take time to analyze everything thoroughly. Engage the help of a few volunteers to get their perspective. Perhaps you’re not offering enough variety, your descriptions are not clear enough or your photos are not giving justice to your products. Small changes can sometimes make a real difference in your sales.

b. They left through a new link. Depending on the purpose of your site, this can be a bad thing or a good thing. Affiliate sites are meant to act as referral sites. They often lead the visitors to browse other resources that interests their visitors. Google adsense sites are meant to encourage clicks as well. But, if you’re trying to sell your own products or services, it’s a bad thing to lead them away from your site. Watch where you place your outgoing links. Limit the numbers of links on your homepage and choose carefully outgoing links that will lead to a possible “sale”.

3. Optimize your ppc traffic. Pay-per-click campaigns can lead you to an empty bank account real fast if you haven’t taken some time to educate yourself about using this method of advertising.

*There’s two easy ways to optimize your ppc traffic.

a. Make it super easy for your visitor to find what they want. Don’t make your visitors spend time hunting around your site. If you’ve bid on the keyword phrase, “chocolate truffles”, don’t send them to your homepage to see if they can play the online game of, “Hunt-down-the-truffles in 25 min.” More than likely they won’t play the game and you’ll be the real loser. Make it easy as possible by linking to the specific page for your keyword and you’ll have a better chance of getting a sale.

b. Add your mailing list signup form on each page. Remember to entice them in some way so they’ll signup. Everybody likes something free. Make sure to offer something related to your content; for example, “Get a Chance to Win the World’s Largest Chocolate Truffle When you Sign Up for our Newsletter.” This is a “must-do” priority for your website. Most of your visitors are not going to immediately buy from you unless they’re really desperate and you’ve only got one chocolate truffle left. Capture your own sales leads by gathering email addresses from all your visitors. Now, you will create an opportunity to get your products and services in front of your visitors over and over again. Your ppc clicks will also serve double duty in this manner.

To sum up the topic of website traffic, continue to learn methods that will help you increase traffic to your site and focus on keeping them once they’re there.
Article by:
Rhonda White Mom's Home Business Network