Home from California
Six of our family members just arrived home from spending 10 days in Anaheim. (Disneyland). As soon as I arrived home, I immediately looked for an update on how the state of California is.
There was so much media coverage, that we literally spent our evenings watching in horror as the state was burning right before our eyes, all the while the trees could be heard slammimg into the windows of the hotel. The wind was unreal, we heard it was expected to reach 90mph!
Fortunately, we were able to spend two full days in San Diego, visiting the Zoo and Sea World. We were also able to spend a day at Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, and a day through Hollywood, which included an afternoon at the Santa Monica Pier. Truly beautiful country, and I am very thankful I was able to see as much as we did during our visit there. Our last day at Disneyland (Oct 21/07) was by far not like the first......very smokey.
My heart sinks for the people that live in these areas, which is a vast amount of people. We could actually see the flames on the hilltops and the red reflection on the smoke from Irvine. We were alarmed because the wind was so fierce there. A bit of a restless sleep that night. We could smell the smoke in the halls and we all had sore throats and eyes from walking around for only a few hours.
Though this is nothing compared to all those people that are losing there homes, possesions, businessess, pets, and even family members. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in this state, including all the brave and selfless firefighters, I understand nearly 8,600 are fighting these fires!
California really is a beautiful place, and that includes the people.....everyone was so friendly, and I could see that this was a place that will bounce back. I just hope this all ends soon.
In the plane as we flew over the fires........firstly I was amazed at the size, but more so the amount of fires. I was praying then, and I'm doin a rain dance too!
All the best, and stay safe.